Monday 26 October 2015

Be ‘sensitive’

Often we did this. Laughing, teasing or making jokes of certain people usually the people that close to us without knowing it hurts them. Sometimes, we did not acknowledged that certain issues are sensitive to a certain people. Yes, you may have fun through it or maybe you thought that those person will also laughing to your jokes (it just like they are laughing to their own weakness). What I want to highlight here is, every people has their own weakness or certain things that are sensitive to them. You also have your own weakness isn’t? So, treat people like you want them to treat you. You never know that ‘small’ thing can give a very big impact to an individual. You never know how it feels looking at your hair loosen day by day ,every shower and everytime you comb your hair. How it feels of being the one who picking up all of your own loosen hair on the floor? How sad they were when they woke up from bed and see there were a lot of loosen hair trapped on the comforter. And everytime they took of the scarf, they need to hide it cause ashamed of those loosen hair. Do you ever think how they feels? How it feels of being the last person to arrived somewhere just because they are fat? How they were ashamed of themselves when queuing up to buy a lot of food but they had to because they know they need them. How insecure are they when the annual dinner are about to come? And how it feels of being a skinny girl which they can only wear jeans and shirts just to make they look good instead of wearing dresses and skirts which will obviously showing that they have a ‘straight-cut’ body. Of course for girls, hair and body shape are the most important thing and every one took a good care of it. But remember , not everyone is lucky. She has pretty face but she’s lacking on the hair part. While she has a big brain, but big in body size. And how about you? Are you perfect ? Making fun of these people is not the right way. They maybe not saying they dislike, or offended by your words, some tend to stay silent and just listening to those ‘jokes’ while some following you making fun of themselves. Are these showing that they are happy with your attitude? Have you ever hear they cried in their sleep worrying another worst thing come up tomorrow because of their own weakness? Care other’s sensitivity. Don’t spread them to anyone else. Motivate them in a great way. “Wahai Rasulullah, apa sebenarnya Ghibah itu?” Rasulullah s.a.w. menjawab, “Iaitu berkata sesuatu tentang saudaramu yang dia tidak suka”, ditanya lagi “Bagaimana kalau ianya benar?” Rasulullah s.a.w. menjawab “Sekiranya apa yang kau katakan itu benar engkau telah melakukan ghibah dan sekiranya tidak engkau telah melakukan fitnah”


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